All Churches Should Require Background Checks

A former police officer and elder in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) is warning that the sexual abuse scandals affecting a growing number of churches in America require a change in tactics.

In an opinion piece in Christianity Today, Michael Veitz says mandatory background checks for all pastors, church officers, staff, and volunteers could protect congregations from predators. According to Veitz, sex abuse scandals have rocked not just the Catholic Church but also evangelical denominations like the Southern Baptist Convention and PCA.

Recommendations to implement mandatory background checks have often met with resistance among various congregations. Some of the objections include deterring volunteer retention, damaging communal trust and reservations about increased government oversight.

Veitz says his experience as a police officer has shown him that well-intentioned church leaders can be naïve about the kinds of dark secrets than some congregants may carry that could be harmful to church members.

While Veitz admits that background checks alone are not a panacea to prevent instances of abuse, he maintains that they are a vital step in a multi-layered defense strategy to protect the church from predators.

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