Trump rejects Franklin Graham’s request that he not curse in speeches

Former president Donald Trump is rejecting the request of a prominent evangelist that he refrain from cursing during speeches. The Christian Post reports that Trump spoke to a group of supporters in Philadelphia on Saturday and praised Franklin Graham of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, saying that Graham had written him a letter.

Speaking of the letter, Trump said, “He said, ‘President, I love your speaking. Your ability to speak is incredible. Your storytelling is great, but it could be so much better if you didn’t use foul language,’”

Trump responded to Graham’s request by declaring, “he’s wrong.”

According to the Christian Post, Trump has been “working so hard” not to swear during his events but concluded that the length of the rallies made it very difficult not to curse, saying, “I’m only talking about one or two times during an entire speech. You know, these speeches go on for two hours, one or two.”

In an informal request to Graham, Trump justified his need for strong language, saying, “Give me one or two words. If you don’t, you don’t get the emphasis.”

In a speech to Christian activists earlier that day, Trump vowed, “When I see people start to walk out, then we’ll stop.”

Graham has condemned the “politically motivated” charges against the former president and said, “The media and the left manipulated the last election, and they are scared to death of Donald Trump’s possible return.” 

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