Expatriate UK cleric Calvin Robinson issues dire warning to Americans: ‘Don’t just sit back’

An expatriate British Catholic cleric who recently settled in the U.S. is warning Americans to learn from and avoid the same mistakes that he says are leading to the destruction of his mother country.

The Christian Post reports that Calvin Robinson describes his decision to resettle in western Michigan as more of a calling than a decision.

Robinson told the Christian Post that he’s glad to be gone from the U.K. as it spiritually collapses. The cleric added, “I got called to a parish out here, full-time parish ministry. I’m just very pleased that it’s happened at a time when the U.K. seems to have imploded and entirely lost its common sense.”

Robinson decried how authorities have released criminals from prisons in England and Wales while simultaneously threatening to lock up citizens for social media posts.

He noted that authorities have pushed multiculturalism and diversity at the expense of public safety by allowing gangs of foreigners to prey upon young British girls with impunity.

Robinson warned that the same spiritual forces destroying the U.K. are at work throughout the Western world trying to convince other nations to reject their Christian roots.

Robinson said, “What we now call the ‘West,’ we used to call Christendom, because it was built on Christian foundations. Essentially, they tried to remove Christ from Christendom. And, of course, when you take out the foundation, the house will eventually crumble. And this is what we’re seeing in the West at the moment.”

Despite his sobering warnings, Robinson remains hopeful, saying, “And so, it may very well be that it is time for this season to come to an end, but there will be another season. But in the here and now, we still have to work on advancing that Kingdom as best we can do.

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