Christian conservative groups launch effort to keep pro-life planks in GOP platform

With the Republican National Convention set to kick off in two weeks, an evangelical advocacy group has launched an initiative to preserve pro-life planks in the Republican Party platform.

The Christian Post reports that the Family Research Council has established the Platform Integrity Project ahead of the upcoming 2024 Republican National Convention, set to take place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin later this month.

According to the Platform Integrity Project’s website, the initiative encourages the public to persuade and pray for Republican National Committee delegates to preserve “strong pro-life, pro-family and pro-freedom” elements when it drafts a new platform this week in Milwaukee.

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins said in a published statement: “Party platforms matter. They state a party’s principles and priorities. According to research by Dr. Lee Payne, the parties actually follow their platforms. Between 1980 and 2004, Republican lawmakers followed their platform 82 percent of the time.”

Perkins went on to identify, “bold principles on life, family, and freedom” as positions that “served the GOP well for over a half-century, starkly contrasting with the other Party and attracting many God-fearing Americans to the GOP.”

According to the Christian Post, other pro-life groups have expressed concern that the Republican Party platform might omit pro-life principles.

Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America President Marjorie Dannenfelser released a statement saying that a decision to “remove national protections for the unborn in the GOP platform” would amount to a “miscalculation that would hurt party unity and destroy pro-life enthusiasm between now and the election.” 

The Platform Integrity Project is a product of cooperation between the Family Research Council and other advocacy groups including WallBuilders, the American Principles Project and Eagle Forum.

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