Hawley warns nuclear family is ‘under assault,’ paints faith as unifying force in the US

Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) is promoting faith as a unifying force rather than a divisive one as he warns that the nuclear family is “under assault.”

The Christian Post reports that Hawley spoke at the Museum of the Bible on Wednesday where he received the Distinguished Christian Statesman Award from Coral Ridge Ministries.

The U.S. Senator from Missouri lamented that popular culture sends a message to men “that they are everything that is wrong with this country and the world.” Hawley said, “We need to tell men that they are vitally needed. We need to say to young men, you have a responsibility to get married, have a family, be a contributor and fulfill the God-given role that He has for you.”

Hawley also spoke out in defense of the nuclear family, saying: “The nuclear family, I think, is pretty clearly under assault. It’s under assault from many corners. It’s under assault from a bunch of our popular culture, but also … we’re sitting in Washington, D.C., we can probably see the Capitol out those windows and it’s under assault from policy and from our government. I mean, we have a tax code that penalizes marriage. It doesn’t reward it, it penalizes it.”

The Senator’s remarks also took the media to task for being out of touch with scripture and history and promoting the lie that religion divides America.

Hawley said, “Faith is what holds the country together, the pursuit of worship of the Lord according to your conscience.” He called that faith “a shared bedrock belief of Americans,” adding, “We’ve got to be bold in proclaiming that again and not afraid.”

Photo: top, Credit: The Christian Post