Russel Brand Speaks on 3 Months Being Christian and the Struggle of Not Hearing God

Comedian and podcast host Russell Brand is speaking out on the challenge of feeling distance from Jesus Christ, nearly 3 months after his conversion to Christianity.

Crosswalk reports that Brand spoke of his personal struggle in a TikTok video he shared earlier this week in which he said, “I’ve been a Christian now for three months. Sometimes I find it quite difficult; what I mean by that is that I feel like Christ is far away. I don’t feel the intimate connection of Christ.”

In the video, Brand speaks of how even when he can’t feel God, that God is still working on him and then asks his viewers how they cope when they feel distant from Christ.

Brand says, “Surely there’s more to this than just feeling okay. If you wanna feel okay, drink a bunch, or take a bunch of drugs, or eat a load of candy for temporality at least. That will offer you some sort of salve of at least distraction.”

In a recent interview with Neil Oliver, Brand speaks of “not being in the business of Russell Brand anymore,” saying instead that he is in the “business of serving Jesus Christ.”

He further stated, “I am in the business of service. Serve Jesus Christ. And it’s such a powerful idea that I’m held alive by it. But surely, this parasite nature grips me again, and I return to egotism. I return to wanting and longing and fear. And all of those limiting things.”

Brand has been very public about his recent conversion to Christianity after being baptized in the River Thames earlier this year and taking his first communion.

Photo: top, Credit: TikTok/Russell Brand