‘We’ve Reached a Time of Christian Invisibility in Our Culture’, George Barna Says

Amid a decline in biblical worldview and diminishing interest in spiritual formation, veteran researcher George Barna of the Barna Group says we’ve reached “a time of Christian invisibility in our culture.”

According to Christian Headlines, Barna told the Christian Post in a recent interview that, “People have become more selfish, churches have become less influential, pastors have become less Bible-centric.”

Barna, a professor at Arizona Christian University and the director of research at its Cultural Research Center, stated: “Families have invested less of their time and energy in spiritual growth, particularly of their children. The media now influences the Church more than the Church influences the media, or the culture for that matter. The Christian Body tends to get off track arguing about a lot of things that really don’t matter.”

Barna spoke of a troubling trend that includes a decline in discipleship and lack of solid biblical training in seminaries. The researcher also spoke of churches using measures for success, including attendance, fundraising and infrastructure, which have little to do with Jesus’ commission.

Barna made a call for a return to biblical roots, even if it entails rethinking modern church structure.

Baran said, “Jesus didn’t come to build institutions, He came to build people. And we see that model in His life. He devoted the ministry portion of His life to investing in individuals. And that’s what each of us who are followers of Christ need to be doing.”

Photo: top, Credit: Getty Images/Frances Coch